Our Services
Titanium Environmental Services, LLC (TES) provides many types of environmental and regulatory compliance services including permitting, auditing, training, reporting and preparation of plans. Some of the services we offer are described below. Our clients include large and small manufacturing facilities, oil exploration and production companies, municipalities, law firms, and private individuals. We are licensed by the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists (Firm 50085). We are also a Texas Department of Transportation precertified consulting firm.

- Air Emissions
Facilities which have the potential to cause emissions must obtain authorization for those emissions. TES has conducted many evaluations of oil/gas production sites to determine what type of authorization will be best suited to the current and future operation of the site. Our goal is to provide our clients with the most cost effective authorization that allows for flexibility and future growth and minimizes recordkeeping requirements.
If necessary, TES can perform both screening and refined modeling of the emissions from your site, which may be required to demonstrate that your site will not have a negative impact on individuals living or working nearby, we also have trained opacity readers on our staff to confirm compliance with particulate emission limits.
Whether the facility is a small source of emissions and can be authorized by a notification or a large source of emissions requiring state and federal permits, TES can develop the application documents and assist with establishing a system to assure compliance with recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
- Oil and Gas
Industry Services
Water Rights Acquisition
TES has experience in negotiating with state and federal regulatory agencies to obtain the rights to use water in the drilling and production of oil and gas. Such negotiations usually involve interaction with surface landowners, entities controlling surface water usage, groundwater control districts, and municipal and private water suppliers. TES has been successful in obtaining both temporary and long term water usage rights for its clients in Texas and Louisiana.
Air Emissions
Air emission evaluation and authorization has gained considerable attention from federal and state regulatory agencies in recent years. States are developing standard permits and other forms of authorization which will ultimately require some form of permit or authorization for most oil/gas production sites. TES is experienced in evaluating oil/gas sites for compliance with existing regulations and is monitoring the proposed changes that will impact oil/gas production operations in the near future.
Response to Leaks and Releases
Operating complex equipment in remote locations can lead to unexpected spills or releases. TES has responded to many incidents involving leaks of both hydrocarbons and produced water. Our experience allows us to focus on the proper sampling and analyses to assure an efficient cleanup and successful reporting and interaction with regulatory agencies.
TES is often involved in determining whether oil and gas drilling or production activities have or have not impacted nearby surface water, soil, or groundwater. Each situation is unique and TES has expertise in evaluating both surface media such as soil and water and subsurface conditions such as well drilling and operation which could contribute to groundwater contamination. Our goal is to assist our clients in establishing if contamination has occurred and if so what are the probable sources and how can the contamination be stopped or minimized.
Waste Minimization and Management
TES associates have many years of experience managing complex industrial and oil and gas waste concerns. Two of the senior staff members of TES began their careers in the industrial/commercial waste management field with extensive experience in the transport and disposal of solids, liquids, and sludge. We know the waste management industry and the most cost effective solutions for onsite storage, offsite transport, and potential reuse/recycling options.
Spill Prevention and Planning
Preventing spills and leaks is not only a regulatory requirement but it makes good economic sense. TES can help you develop spill prevention plans and we have experience in constructing containment and diversion structures to control releases from tanks and equipment. TES has the equipment and personnel to install synthetic liner systems for storage of fresh or produced water.
Site Selection and Permitting
If your planned site for drilling or pipelines triggers NEPA permitting requirements, TES can coordinate your permitting process to reduce the burden on your staff and assure the timely completion of wells. TES has experience in working with the USACE, BLM, USFS, DOD, FERC and other regulatory agencies to get your project approved and to keep it in compliance.
- Construction Project Management
TES offers turn-key construction project management services. TES assists clients during initial design work, throughout installation, and at project startup. Turn-key services include civil, mechanical and electrical components. TES works closely with equipment suppliers and partners with licensed engineering firms to successfully meet all project needs. TES has managed turn-key projects including oil and gas storage facilities, liquid waste derived fuel systems, and salt water injection wells.
- Ecological Risk
ERAs may be completed in conjunction with Affected Property Assessment Reports (APARs), or as stand-alone assessments. Comprehensive sampling and modeling plans allow TES to determine potential impacts to ecological receptors such as plants, animals, and bodies of water. These plans include:
- Delineation of extent of environmental media affected by chemicals of concern.
- Characterization of site geology and hydrogeology to better understand potential movement of chemicals through soil and groundwater.
- Development of conceptual models that depict movement of site-specific chemicals of concern through the environment
- Risk analysis using Hazard Quotient method to mathematically predict potential risk to plants and animals at affected property.
- Soil and
TES performs soil and groundwater assessments consistent with state risk reduction programs. Typical tasks include:
- Development and implementation of sampling plans and analytical test selection to determine the status of potentially impacted properties. Preparation of remediation reports for monitoring and certification of cleanup.
- In-situ testing including metals determination by handheld x-ray fluorescence (XRF) metal analyzer in soils and coatings.
- Sub-meter GPS mapping of sample locations and surface features.
- Spatial data presentation in a variety of electronic and paper forms.
- Storm Water
Pretreatment Programs
TES designs and conducts sampling events in support of development of Technically Based Local Limits. TES also provides permit streamlining services.
Storm Water Permits
TES has prepared hundreds of storm water pollution prevention permits for clients in a wide range of industries. We also provide employee training and can perform routine inspections as needed.
Wastewater Discharge Permits
TES has experience in preparing wastewater discharge permit applications for municipal and industrial clients. We also prepare permit applications for clients who need to discharge to a publicly owned treatment system (POTW) pursuant to a Pre-Treatment Permit Program.
- Environmental
Compliance Audits
Most states and the U.S. EPA have established programs that encourage companies to perform internal or third party audits to detect potential violations of environmental rules and regulations. The state and federal audit programs provide varying degrees of immunity from enforcement actions and penalties that are associated with potential violations uncovered by audits. To maintain the immunity, the applicable agency must be provided with notice that such an audit will be performed. TES can evaluate your company’s situation to determine if a “self audit” would be useful to detect and correct potential violations and what type of privilege or immunity might be available for issues that are uncovered through the audit process.
TES can prepare the audit notice documents for submittal to the appropriate regulatory agencies, conduct an audit of one or all portions of an operation, and prepare the necessary reports and plans to allow corrections to be made while maintaining the protection afforded by an audit program.
- Litigation Support
TES has provided testimony as both fact and expert witnesses in cases involving alleged environmental contamination.
- Pre-Purchase Property Reviews
TES performs traditional Phase 1 Environmental Assessments for purchasers, financial institutions, and municipalities, and economic development groups. We also have licensed personnel on staff to perform sampling and testing of environmental media (soil, water) if a site inspection or site history evaluation indicates such sampling is warranted.
TES also has the ability to evaluate the compliance status of businesses that may be undergoing transfer of ownership. We can determine if the prospective acquisition has the necessary authorizations to cover its current activities and assist a potential purchaser in evaluating factors which should be considered if growth or new operations are planned for the site.
- Wetlands
Delineation and
Functional Assessment
TES personnel assist in avoidance and minimization of wetland impact to save time and avoid costly mitigation. Where impacts are unavoidable, TES prepares Section 10 and Section 404 permits as needed.